When you think back to your school days, there are probably only a handful of teacher you remember really well. More than likely, they stuck with you because they were great teachers. It never an easy task to separate from the pack, especially as a teacher. Those who manage to be great teachers become more than just a fond memory.… Read more →
What Constitutes a Highly Effective Learning Environment?
Effective learning environments take quite some time to establish. They don’t happen overnight, but once they’re formed, students will get more out of each lesson than you could have ever imagined. Each effective classroom runs differently, but most stack their success against a few telling characteristics. You’ll find a sample of what to look for in your own classroom below.… Read more →
Cultivating a Positive Classroom Community
Whenever you bring an entire group of strangers into one room, for hours every day, there needs to be some sense of community built. Without it, the classroom will fall apart. The feeling of community is comforting. Life is easier when everyone knows they aren’t alone. The same goes for your classroom. As a teacher, it’s our job to make… Read more →
Creative Classroom Storage
During the school year, your classroom becomes a second home, so why not treat it like one? Evaluating your current system for storage and organization might be a good idea too. This list will help you kickstart your efforts and give you a few ideas of your own. What are you waiting for? Place items where they will be used… Read more →
Study Tips
Studying is a vital part of every student’s education. Unfortunately, there are too many young learners who have not developed the study habits necessary for a long, successful education. No matter how far along your education is, it’s never too late to pick up good habits. Proper, effective studying can make all the difference between passing and failing. Check out… Read more →
Top 5 Apps for Classroom Success
As technology is rapidly growing, and generation Y swiftly moves into the fields of education, it’s time to utilize our technology resources and focus on better education. If you read my last article, you already know that one of the most important ways for student success is the three way communication between parents, students, and teachers. Generation Z is the… Read more →
The Value of Mentoring New Teachers
If you think back to your first job out of school, you can remember the feelings of pressure and anxiety of beginning a new job. Many of us moved to new places where we knew no one or our way around. This is how many new teachers feel today when beginning a new teaching job at a new school. The… Read more →
Trends in Education
There is always a slight buzz in education when talking about what’s in store for the future. The buzz normally consists of a mixture of excitement from some and reservations from others. Educators possess fantastic ideas all pointing to making education better. Of those many, many ideas, some of them gain traction. The ideas can even go as far as… Read more →
Effects Music Can Have On Student Success
Music has a profound on mood and overall productivity, so why not apply this to our classrooms? Certain types have a calming effect and can help students get in the mindset of quite work and others can pump them up and get students excited for the day. Finding the right mix of music to add to the classroom can have… Read more →
6 Ways to Prep for College This Summer
The summer before your first semester of college is an exciting, but often stressful time. There are so many things to prepare for and do in order to be ready. Below are a few tips on how to have fun in your hometown before leaving, but also some things to prepare you for the next chapter. Practice Time Management Time… Read more →